Headstones Pt 7

"Thank you for coming down and identifying the body i know it can't have been easy for you" as he led the distraught woman out of the morgue. She allowed herself to be led by the gentle hand at her elbow out of the morgue even though his very touch was loathsome to her. They walked out into the warm sunshine although she doubted she would ever be warm again for an icy fist seemed to hold her heart in its grip and she vainly wondered if she would ever thaw out again.
Walking in a trance she had no concept of time or grip on reality.In a daze the doctor helped her into a cab and gave the driver instructions on where she lived. He then paid the appropriate fare and she sunk back in her seat oblivious to the cab drivers attempt at small talk or her surroundings. She roused herself as from a deep sleep when the cab driver's voice penetrated the fog in her mind as he told her they had arrived.
This was a day she wished she had never seen or could forget yet neither of those two options were offered to her or she might have picked one and spared herself the agony. She tried to sleep but sleep would not come. Neither would the tears she felt stinging at the back of her eyes. Popping a couple of sleeping pills she fell into some restless sleep where all the gruesome bodies she had seen were alive and talking in her dreams. She dreamt of him in happier days chasing her around the house finally grabbing her and the two of them rolling in the grass.She saw him as she last saw him on that fateful weekend when he had come to see her and they had enjoyed each others company like in the olden days.but the images of how he looked in death kept intruding into her memories of happier days. The face mutilated flesh puffy around the eyes where the ragged scar run across.And his skull smashed in a total mess.The jagged autopsy scar which run from sternum to navel in a y incision making him look like a character from Frankenstein. This was how she saw him and the other bodies lying on the morgue floor which had been dumped unceremoniously. With deep cuts,limbs missing she had kept her eyes firmly on the doctor's broad back as they walked to the autopsy room.But she had not been prepared for the smell even the ointment under her nose did little to dispel it.She gagged and dry heaved for thankfully had no breakfast at the sweet cloying, aroma of it. It seemed to stick to her clothes,hair even her nails seemed to take on that smell." Dried blood and various body excrement's" the doctor said once her stomach settled slightly. Once she got home she removed all her clothes and stood under the spray of the shower scrubbing vainly trying to get that scent off her. Finally the tears came, she cried till she could cry no more dry, great heaving sobs tore from her until she sank to her knees and hugging herself she sat there as the water fell in torrents upon her and still the guttural sobs tore from her insides.
She cried for herself, for Njogu's dreams crushed so soon, their dreams which would never be now. A life snuffed so rudely.
She didn't care all she could think of was Njogu deserved better than this. This was not how it was supposed to end and she would get even with whoever was responsible even if it would take her the rest of her life to do so. Njogu would be avenged this she swore to his memory as she watched his skull explode and his body reduced to ashes and as she scattered them over the park where they had spent many a happy hour. They would all pay............


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