By The Well

They say a rest is the best medicine or something like that. Got to test that recently during my leave and i must say it was all that and more. stress fell away like layers and burdens off my back. Suddenly i felt lighter even though i had no idea i was burdened in the first place.
It was great to be away to do nothing but slow down look and marvel at God's creation, stop and smell the flowers remebering what it is like to laugh from deep down.
Come away my beloved that's what the groom constantly tells his bride daily "come away and spend some time with me let me love on you" and that's exactly what i did.Such a shame that the bride would only offer excuses never taking the groom up on his offer until it was too late.
Now i understand the value of the sabbath my focus has been realigned and all is well again. What you want might hurt you and what you need might pass you by so watch out!!!!!!


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