New Seasons- A reason to be grateful

It's been a long time since i wrote anything and a lot has happened in my life. I would like to think that i am wiser, as i am definitely older. Life has a funny way of creeping up on you and before you realize it, another month, another year year is ending.This is how 2018 has felt, it was January and i was busy celebrating a new year and coming up with well meaning new year resolutions and i blinked and it's the end of October. The main thing that i have learnt through it all is to savor the moments. To be grateful for the small things and the big things too, after all the joy in life is not to have many days but to have life in your days. Think about that for a minute..... We are often in a hurry and forget to enjoy the view on the journey. Being grateful is something we need to practice more of, it should become a daily habit. Don't wait until one is dead to sing their praises but tell them now while they are still around and able to hear and appreciate it. Take time to say thank you for a meal when you have one, for your job, no matter how tough it might be, for all the little things you usually take for granted, knowing that there is someone somewhere who is not as fortunate as you. Smile, say thank you and you will be surprised at how pleasant your day becomes. As the old hymn said; "count your blessings name them one by one and it surprise what the Lord has done!" #lifelessons #Grateful #blessings #MondayMotivation


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