headstones Pt 1

It was a fool hardy plan hatched in a dark and smoke filled bar on a cold dark night. They were joking or it started as a joke but by the end of it, it had crystallized into an actual plan. Kimende the leader by default had sat quietly all through the wild schemes thrown out by the members of his gang on an effective way to make some extra cash.
Their gang was notorious for running a protection racket in the two surrounding blocks. A very successful one at that except that the newly constituted kifaru squad to deal with all sorts of gangs was proving to be a headache hence the much needed change of business until things calmed down.
This was the reason plus their recent dip in earnings and faced with grumpy idle men that made Kimende call for this meeting. something needed to be done or he would soon be facing insurrection among his men. He had chosen this makuti pub for it offered a vantage point not to mention the owner owed him a substantial favor he had put out of business his rival ensuring loyalty for life.It was a typical makuti pub with a wide veranda like opening where tables and stools had been placed in strategic places. There was a circular dance floor with a disco ball revolving sending colors all over. They met in a room at the back with the advantage of having its own entrance which kept prying eyes from making note of their presence.
Food,drinks, flowed in plenty as did the whores to entertainment,but once the meeting began,they were all asked to leave no exceptions.
It began with the various chiefs giving an account of their past week's earnings. Things were tight because of the zeal of the new squad cracking down. More shop owners were being defiant. Several of them had refused to pay being openly rebellious. Many had not met their targets for the week as a result.Kimende listened to all the different reports without saying much.Once they finished presenting their reports he casually took a drag on his cigarrette, then dropped it on the floor where he watched it smoulder for a few minutes before savagely crushing it out with the heel of his snake skin ungaro boots. speaking in a deceptively calm tone,he turned to one of his leutainents Njogu a shifty eyed fellow who was incharge of of kijiji region. ''What about you? is it the same thing in your area?'' ''Yes of course its actually worse we were lucky to get this much'' he replied.
hmmm i see as he casually reached into his pocket. To the suprise of Njogu and all in the room except his trusted aide and bodyguard, Kimende drew a nasty looking knife with which he slashed Njogu's face before he could react leaving him screaming in pain as his left eye all the way to his jaw was slashed open.Screaming grabbing his bleeding face, Njogu scooted as far away from kimende as he could.
Kimende advanced on him as the rest of the group made no attempt to intervene between them. ''That is for stealing from me you little prick. Did you really think you would get away with it that i wouldn't find out." I picked you from that miserable existence you called a life gave you riches beyond your wildest dreams and this is what you do???
''Am sorry cried Njogu as he tried to unsuccessfully stem the bleeding.


  1. interesting plot.Waiting for season two.When will it be out?

  2. I am so waiting for PT2 this is so good


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