headstones Pt 2

The colored papers and confetti swung in the late afternoon breeze giving off a kaleidoscope of colors as the fading sunlight reflected off them. It was crowded,noisy and not all that clean what with all the animals in their various stalls and large crowds milling around.
It seemed to Mo as though the whole town was here at the circus,watching the animals led through various tricks by the handlers who all wore various multicolored costumes. There was a fire eater performing his tricks to the amusement of a small crowd gathered around him, an elephant raising one foot off the ground and bringing it to rest on a water melon without crushing it. A knife thrower was the next act on stage with a scantily dressed female assistant. Up next came a troupe of acrobats who performed some hair raising stunts that had the crowd on the edge of their seats.
The maize harvest had been bountiful this year and as this was the main crop grown by the town, various stands were offering maize in the most inventive ways possible some even surprising the locals such as a brew made entirely of maize meal which was potent and tasty. Which explained Mo's presence at the circus. Normally she would have been anywhere but here for she intensely disliked crowds especially one made of her not very friendly neighbors. She wasn't the most popular woman around and they made no efforts to include her in their social gatherings while she took the hint and limited her contact with them to what was absolutely necessary.
Her stall was particularly busy tonight but that had more with her psychic capabilities and man's inborn curiosity than anything else. She was psychic not a fake as most of those who claimed psychic abilities were. But knowing that it would only further antagonize the superstitious folk she dummied up her ability making the expected comments on love,money and future happiness or lack of it. Occasionally she saw something in the cards or tea leaves depending on how much the person had paid and she couldn't lie about it which was the reason the towns folk shied away from her for invariably they turned out to be true predictions.
Chenko sauntered over he was the only guy who was ever nice to her. He seemed unaffected by all the bad comments made about her or the rumours maliciously spread about her. He was a handsome man considered quite a catch by all the ladies and his presence at her booth drew sharp looks from all ladies a group of them came over and tried to take them with them but he playfully resisted their attempts without giving in to their demands. ''Am impressed, not only did you not go with them you made them feel like the most beautiful women individually and corporately." ''What can i say its a gift" replied Chenko as he lowered his tall frame into a chair.
"Why are you here?" "gosh!!!i thought you see everything in your cystral ball or did you miss that" he playfully teased. His smile had Mo's insides doing some sort of dance Damn!!!!!!! this man was sexy and didn't he know it. All this got her admiring and thinking of another part of his anatomy which made her realise just how long it had been since a man had made mad passionate love to her. Who was she kidding with Jelo unable to raise it leave alone keep it up on the rare occasions it was up and rare was an understatement. Jelo getting it up and keeping it there was as rare as the eclipse. She needed a proper working over not even being made love to, she needed sex in its rawest form two bodies moving to one rythm fast and furious over the edge no holds barred then maybe afterwards they could make love.
Looking at Chenko she decided he would do after all he had the kind of hard body she liked firm in all the right places not to mention the height. Taking the direct route Mo simply asked him if he was willing to take their flirting to another level. To his credit Chenko didn't choke on his drink or act affronted, he simply paused and seemingly caught off guard seemed to give the matter alot of consideration. "Where is Jelo?'' "out of town working."Hmmm i see" as he continued to think about it. Its not rocket science thought Mo to herself or did i read the signs wrong she wondered. Sure enough chenko declined but not because he wasn't interested and he paused to give her a once over stopping over her breasts before looking straight into her eyes. "you are a very desirable woman and i am flattered that you want me but not tonight can i take a rain check?"
"Of course how about one last drink?" "Sure why not." As he settled down more comfortably.Phew i dodged that bullet Chenko thought to himself smiling all the while half listening to Mo's incessant chatter.
Mo poured him a drink with her back turned then took one for herself and sat across him. Chenko gulped it down while she pretended to sip hers all the while watching him from lowered lashes. Chenko rose up to leave for home only to find he could hardly stand. "Funny i didn't think i drank that much slurred Chenko as he tottered on his feet.Moving fast Mo helped him into the inner chamber of her store and closed up the shutters. "Lie there and rest a while." There was no time to waste.
A few hours later Chenko came to and disoriented tried to remember where he was.Looking around, he realised he was in Mo and Jelo's house in a guest bedroom. Even more disoriented he tried to remember how he got here. The last thing he could remember was having one last drink with Mo in her booth. Just then she walked in with a breakfast tray. "Good Morning you had too much to drink last night so i had some guys help you over here. Don't worry i was quite discreet about it. Would you like some black coffee and some toast?
Chenko finally found his voice "where is the bathroom?" He stood there under the hot shower as he tried to get rid of the cobwebs in his head as well as the pounding headache. He couldn't remember the last time a hangover hit him so hard. It felt like needles were stuck in his head and all this insects were moving around in there. The black coffee and panadol he had gulped down certainly didn't seem to do much good. He had this soreness as well that he couldn't explain.
After an hour he got out of the shower only to find Jelo sitting on the bed. "Where is Mo? as he looked past Jelo. "Don't worry she went out"."Why are you in my house i thought we had an agreement." I had you got drunk and she had to bring you here. We can't be seen together someone might suspect something as Chenko felt a familiar stirring in his loins.


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