100 Questions

This was supposed to be a continuation of Head stones pt 3 but as i read earlier entries i paused wondered about all the stuff that sounds so good and is very true yet how much of it do we really follow i wonder.As i listen to Detrick haddon i find myself questioning a lot of the so called wisdom that were so quick to dish out and take in yet that's all we do. I find myself still grappling with the same question i was asking myself this morning. Why am i so angry? and what or whom am i angry at or with? God says i will keep in perfect peace those whose mind is stayed on me and with all this emotions churning inside me i don't understand what this means.
Its easy to agree even think you are doing something simply because you agree in theory but that is such a subtle trap we all unknowingly fall into. Just coz you agree with something doesn't mean you are doing it.
Turned a year older on Tuesday and that is always a time of review and reassessment.I have to sit down look at my goals for the past year and discover how well i did and how far i came.
But you know through it all God has been faithful and so real its amazing. He has watched over me, provided for me and when i thought i couldn't take another step he gave me the courage to carry on. So for all that and more his presence,his grace,his love,mercy i say i love you Lord.


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