Headstones Pt 4

It was around 11 o'clock and the waiting room was filled to capacity. One side sat the patients who had already been attended to and were now waiting for the next part of the process. Others were yet to see the doctor and they sat patiently and some not so patiently. There were groans, moans, tears on the faces of the women and children waiting there that not even the rooms cheery colors would diffuse. The stack of magazines went virtually ignored as most people were in too much pain to bother and the rest could not be bothered to pick up agricultural digest or some other random title.
Mo sat quietly holding on to Tina's hand for support and mostly as a source of warmth. They were here to get some tests done and both were silent in the shock and fear. Mo had a sinking sensation in her stomach and she was dreading getting her worst fears confirmed. Tina wondered how her best friend would react to the news. Would she ever forgive her? She was a pragmatist and was expecting the worst.
She thought to the day it all began. She was out of town attending a symposium on some revolutionary new diet which rubbished all of the known and myths on diets and how they supposedly worked. She was a nutritionist and this was important. It was a two week symposium and it was to be held in kisumu.
Tina had been looking forward to it all year but things had changed. Her marriage was in shambles and divorce seemed inevitable. Her husband had already moved out of their home and he was living with his secretary. The venue of the trip had also changed from Mombasa to Kisumu to accommodate some members. So her holiday on the beach was now turning into a nightmare.
After speaking to her best friend Mo she decided to take the holiday as a way to relieve her stress. She would have preferred Mombasa where she would have swam in the ocean, took in some sun on the beach and who knows maybe even met an interesting man for some r & r i.e. rest and relations.
Taking a flight down she was there earlier than the rest of the group which was fine with her. It gave her time to prepare her materials as she would be making a presentation the next day.
After checking in to the hotel she was impressed by the ambiance maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. She freshened up and went down to the bar for a drink before dinner. Enjoying her glass of red wine she pushed the stress of the past couple of months recede to the back of her mind.
"What is a beautiful woman like you doing here alone? Someone asked at her side. Turning with a nasty retort for the smart alec what she had been about to say died on her lips. "mmmmh she stammered. Can i buy you a drink and keep you company for a while? smiling as he held out a slim hand with tapered fingers. Instinctively she stretched hers only to have it enveloped in his strong, warm grip. He must play an instrument with such long fingers she found herself thinking throughout the dinner. "My name is Thabo Musweki and its a pleasure to meet you. His voice was silky smooth the kind that gave one images of a mic or velvety chocolate and it complimented the man himself. Thabo was 5'8 with an average look. His body was muscular but the kind that was slowly turning to fat from inactivity. He was the kind of guy you noticed not for any physical appeal but simply coz of the way he carried himself. His most distinguishing feature were his eyes that had a way of capturing and holding your gaze till you seemed to melt into them. When he focused his gaze on you it made you feel both beautiful and the only woman he saw.
Thabo had discovered this very early on and his ability to convince people especially women was a skill he honed to perfection. He had watched her from a far and knew she would be an easy prey. Approaching her was the next step after which he would wine and dine her and maybe even have sex with her. Her body looked good from what he could see but it depended on how the night progressed.
Tina spent an interesting evening with a man who focused all his attention on her and found her desirable which was a heady feeling one she had not had in a long time. They ended up in her hotel room later on in the night and the sex was even better than she had imagined it could be. They went on for hours Thabo was insatiable and she wasn't any better, for it had been a couple of months since her husband touched her. She was making up for lost time and Thabo was more than willing to indulge her and teach her a few new tricks while he was at it. Finally exhausted, they fell asleep still entangled in the early morning hours.
They woke up a few hours later and Tina had to attend the lecture of the day. She thought after last night Thabo would be exhausted but he seemed to have the stamina of a horse and he joined her in the shower and picked up where he had left off. After a leisurely breakfast, she reluctantly sent him away and they agreed to meet later that evening.
The symposium was long and the day dragged for Tina who could hardly wait to see Thabo again. Unfortunately at lunch time he called her and told her that urgent business had called him away but he would be back the next day. Hiding her disappointment She decided to take her colleagues offer to go on a night out with them and check out what kisumu had to offer in terms of a night life. After going out to dinner with them she realized her heart wasn't in it and decided to go back to the hotel room and catch up on her sleep.
Leaving the lobby of the restaurant she was surprised to hear her name called out. Turning she was even more surprised to see Jelo. He explained that there was an accounting workshop going on and his company had sent him. He was staying at this hotel and since he by himself and bored he was headed to his room to watch some telly or something. Inviting her for a drink she accepted but instead of taking it at the hotel she convinced him to go to a club instead. They had always had an easy relationship him being her friend's husband they spent enough time together double dating to make their hanging out not awkward at all. The drinks flowed and the music was heady before they knew it they were holding each other swinging not really worried about the beat of the music. Needless to say one thing led to another and they ended up in his hotel room.
Getting back the next day there was Thabo waiting for her and after her lectures he whisked her off to a nearby island where they spent a lazy day making love among the ruins of some building that vaguely resembled an elaborate building, they were obviously too busy with other matters to pay much attention. It was only later when they were satiated and decided to take a dip in the lake that when they looked back at the ruins that they saw them for what they truly were old tombs.
There was a message waiting for her back at the hotel room from jelo inviting her out to dinner. Too tired to do more than crawl into bed Tina declined but agreed to have lunch with him the next day. The lunch was in his hotel room and by the time they even remembered about it, the food was cold. And so it went on until she had to go back home. That had been two months ago.
“You can go in now. Said the nurse in her crisp white uniform. ”That’s us Mo gestured to Tina as she pulled her forward.” Are you even listening she asked? Huh? Sorry my mind had wandered Tina replied.
“The doctor was a briskly efficient young man with an air of distraction. “One of you needs to wait outside”. “Its okay doctor we want the tests done together for we will tell each other the results anyway. Plus we intend to support each other regardless. Will she really support me as she says wondered Tina inwardly?
The results are negative for the HIV tests but as a precautionary measure we also did pregnancy tests and they are both positive.
“What asked Mo as she clutched Tina’s hand in a death grip I can’t be pregnant”. “Am afraid the test is 100% accurate and you are a little over three months pregnant”. Tina had been sitting quietly as the doctor’s words had confirmed her fears. She felt a deadly calm settle over her the moment he had said the words for her body had already told her what the doctor simply confirmed. She didn’t even need to know how far along she was for it must have happened on her trip to Kisumu. She only had one question but she couldn’t ask it with Mo around. “Thank you as the doctor gave them both cards for prenatal clinics and advised them on their diets. Mo took her card and walked out in a daze barely registering anything. Holding on to Tina’s arm they walked out in silence but as they were leaving the lobby Tina searched her bag. “Oops I think I left my scarf in the doctors office I will be right back let me go get it just wait here I will be back hurrying away without giving Mo a chance to protest.
Entering the doctor’s office, he turned around in surprise at the sight of her. “Did you forget something? “I have a question for you is it possible to pinpoint who the father of the child is? “oooh now I understand you don’t want your friend to know about this. Yes,you took the news calmly enough unlike your friend.”
“To answer your question it is very possible. Conception takes place after 72 hours and with the strides made in DNA mapping we can narrow it down. There are genetic markers called genetic codes that differ from one person to another and are unique to an individual very much like your fingerprint is.This are passed through the sperm and egg to the offspring. "is that why doctors advise one to take the morning after pills after having unprotected sex? "Exactly but technically conception has already occurred and those are basically abortificients."i don't understand." "Let me explain. Once fertilization takes place you are essentially pregnant.What the morning after pill does is basically induce abortion of the fertilized egg. Its still abortion the only difference is that its done even earlier.In fact a lot of what women are using as birth control is actually the opposite,they are taking pills that administer abortions without their knowledge. You need to find out how your contraceptive works before you decide on which one to choose.Do you have an idea when you conceived? “The general time frame yes.” “Then you shouldn’t have any doubts. You are two months pregnant so that is the period you need to worry about. “Doctor therein lies my problem I had multiple partners and either one of them could be the father.” “Then the only recourse left to you is to have a DNA test performed when the baby is born”.
“Lets go home we have a lot to prepare for said Tina to Mo as she roused her to her feet. You were gone for quite a while remarked Mo. The doctor took the opportunity to counsel me against abortion.


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