Headstones pt 5

Kimende was a fair man gave his men a proper cut did not demand too much compared to other bosses and didn't micromanage his men. He always knew what was going on much to the surprise of his men but he never interfered in their dealings as long as he got his rightful share. But he was a hard man who did not suffer fools or condone mistakes either.
Men who had who had worked for him told chilling tales of how he would be laughing with someone then at the end would order his death or if the person had really displeased him would strike the first blow then have his men finish him off. His lieutenants quickly learned not to set him off although that was tricky as it was difficult to know what was liable to set him off.
Kimende was what would be called a smart thug. He started off in school being the leader of a group of boys who he used to do his dirty work for him. Soon it was well known if you wanted contraband or had an issue to settle with anyone to come to kimende whose services were not cheap but highly effective. Once a bully decided he could set up his own team as competition to Kimende's. He was so badly beaten up that he transferred school's in the middle of the term. Needless to say, no one ever tried to oppose kimende again.
After school kimende went through the normal channels of college for he was very smart and studied business. On the side he had his own gang of thugs,street boys he had recruited and personally trained plus smart young men with a dark side to them.
He was a charmer knew all the right things to say to impress the grown-ups and women fell for him in droves. He had that bad boy quality that captivates women as well as good looks. His dangerous aura had the women spell bound as if anything could happen with him and it often did.
Starting a hardware business,he soon moved out of home to his own place out of town. As his earnings grew so did his business making him venture into the spares business. Soon he got married and started a family.
Kimende was a pillar of society who always gave generously to any worthy cause. Meanwhile his team became more specialized and he adopted the scorch earth policy,he destroyed all the competition if they refused to join him. Soon he was the don and no crime went on without his blessing. He had a hand in every illegal thing from petty muggings to bank robberies. if a hoodlum thought he could simply set up base here he was informed that there was a fee imposed as well as rules he would have to abide by.If he refused thinking that he could survive,he received a through beating and if that still did not work then he would find himself in jail or worse some bones would be broken.
Kimende got tremendously wealthy and his laid back attitude ensured that the police had no idea of his existence. They had rumors of course but never his name linked to them. He was able to operate a fairly large crime syndicate virtually undetected.
His children grew up knowing that their father was a successful businessman and his wife was equally in the dark about her husbands nocturnal activities. After a while Kimende's gang was collaborating with gangs from other parts of the city to pull off really big jobs.
Njogu had been one of the street boys that he had personally trained and his betrayal had come not so much as a shock as a big disappointment. Njogu had always been greedy and never knew when to stop and kimende always knew that his greed would be his downfall.
The secret to his success was the fact that he kept it simple. He was a step ahead of his men which ensured nothing went past him.Kimende was a visionary and he knew that pretty soon the government would be in his business and he needed to change tact.
Then the cops started ruining his business arresting his men, effectively crippling him.So he had called that infamous meeting three weeks ago where they had brainstormed trying to come up with a new line of business.
One of his men proposed something that sounded so ridiculous it might work. after he weighed all the pros and cons, Kimende decided to try it out. Setting the plan into motion,he summoned his generals for a meeting and explained their various roles.
It meant a change of tactics a whole over haul of their business yet if it worked it would get them off the government radar. Its beauty lay in its simplicity.
The was simple really maybe too simple. They would offer their services to the bereaved. It all began with an article in the paper talking about the diminishing space at the langata cemetary not to mention the lack of safety. "What if bulldog asked we offered to bury the dead for a substantial fee of course." "That's crazy Jomu said laughing how would we even get people to use it that's if we have the land." "Yeah some of the other men chorused.
Only bulldog, Samy the whiz kid and kimende kept silent. Kimende listened as the men rubbished the idea till the thought that was the end of it, then he turned to Samy. "I am yet to hear your opinion what do you think? is it possible and how would it work. Samy turned to Kimende the reason i have not said anything is because i understand their concerns i was skeptical at first when bulldog first told me about it but i sat down did my research,asked around and this idea is not only viable it can be much bigger than simply burying the dead. It holds the key to the future."
"Alright explain to me how it works." Easy really using our source at the city mortuary we will have access to the bereaved families. then we will use our sources in the newspapers to have some articles written talking about the rapidly diminishing space at Langata cemetery then plant people at various hospitals and funeral homes who will plant the seed of bringing their dead to us." "Okay so you have your bases covered when it comes to getting the bodies what about the land and the whole burial process" Kimende asked. As for the land we have two acres in Kiambu which we can use. As for clients we need discerning clients i think you need to reject the low income and concentrate on middle class and maybe the rich ones said Kimende. It has to be exclusive or else we will have the government on our cases.
"What do we need if we were to be legal because i figured that is what you meant earlier? "Its too difficult we would never survive the check too many people need to sign off on it and we can't bribe them all." "So what you are saying is it has to be illegal? what about the bodies how will we hide funerals every day someone is bound to notice and report it Mende joined in the discussion.
"We have been thinking about it that's why i think that instead of using Kiambu we should use a random place like Matuu. I checked out the land prices are fair and we have enough reserves to purchase a few areas. I have even identified a particular plot.Its in an area that is not densely populated where the people keep alot to themselves without much contact with the outside world.All we need to do is say we are avoiding tax that's why they cannot have public funerals. Then start some sort of community development and say we are harvesting soil which will not raise any eyebrows."
"But will anyone buy it and we still have to transport the body plus we still need to allow close family members to attend the funeral." "Its tricky but yes were selling something exclusive so secrecy will fit in. If they tell everyone then its not so exclusive but we can allow them to recommend it to friends when they suffer loss." "What am curious is this if by some chance you get to convince people,get away with it there is still a problem how can you ensure one that you don't run out of space and two what about bodies you will need a steady turnover if were to make a profit asked Mende.
"Am working on something that might answer that question answered Samy give me some time. "You both have two weeks to get a detailed report to me with all the details and every concern addressed not to mention a date when we can start putting into motion the wheels said kimende as he dismissed the meeting. "Mende wait as the rest stood up to leave. "I want you to come up with a report telling me what we stand to lose if we take on this plan and come up with an alternative form of business. And i want it four days before our next meeting."


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