Headstones Pt 6

It was two years later and Tina had delivered twins whereas Mo was the proud mother of a baby boy. The truth had not yet come out regarding the true paternity of the babies but as both women had something to hide, their fear kept them both silent.
All that was about to change for Tina after the phone call she had received.Thabo was coming into town and he wanted to see her. Since her trip to Kisumu they had left things as they were not bothering to keep in touch realising that what they had had been a holiday fling and preferring to return to their lives. This had worked perfectly for both as Tina had been separated from her husband who had left her for another woman. He had eventually divorced her and she had been left trying to pick up the shattered pieces of her heart and life.That was until her family found out she was pregnant, they convinced her husband to take responsibility for his actions and they were reconciled. His obvious reluctance was washed away the moment he held his son in his arms and his heart was stolen by the look of wonder when his daughter grabbed his finger and would not let go. From then on he became a model father and stopped his running around.
Tina on her part was simply happy that her deceit was not discovered. From what the doctor had told her she could not tell conclusively who the father of her twins was. As far as she could tell pregnancy occurred when she was in Kisumu for the symposium but she had been with two men in that period and neither of them were her husband. One was actually the husband of her best friend.
At the end of two years her husband who had been nothing but loving was going for a routine medical check up as he had recently gotten a new job and they were offering him health insurance for him and his family. This was not a big deal and he had mentioned it in passing except what she did not realise was that as the health insurance covered her and the children, they would have to undergo a series of tests.
And this was the same time Thabo decided to show up at her door unannounced. It was all her fault and the fact she run out of luck she could say now with the hindsight of events.Thabo called her and threatened to show up at her house if she refused to see him so she agreed to meet him at his hotel room. Once she got there she remembered how good they were together and how lousy her husband was in the sack. Before she knew it they were getting into it hot and heavy tearing each other's clothes off in their hurry. This soon became a pattern and they carried out their clandestine affair for a month.
And then Thabo showed her his true colours; photographs of the two of them in compromising positions which would be sent to her husband if she did not help him out as he put it. He was in a small financial fix and he was sorry he had to do this but she understood how things were. She did not understand but she knew what was at stake and thankfully he had no idea what kind of power he held over her for one look at her daughter and him and one could not fail to see the resemblance. But thankfully for whatever reason her son looked nothing like him. Tina paid him the amount he asked for and thought that was the end of it and Thabo kept his word and disappeared from her life. That was until yesterday when she received the dreaded phone call.
He was back in town and he wanted to see her and he made it clear it was not a request. When she showed up she was angry and determined to pay him a single cent he could show her husband the pictures for all she cared and told him as much. "Calm down I destroyed the pictures unless you want to make some new ones he smoothly lied to her.i just want to catch up." "Were not friends so just tell me what you want"."How is your family Thabo probed as he tried to see if there was anything he could exploit. your husband? "he is fine Tina replied nonchalantly and your children they are all fine look i need to get back to work i have a client in five minutes" as she stood up to leave. " i will walk you to your office as he tried to see a new angle unsuccessfully. Almost panicking as they neared her office he was resigned to have to use the photos again although he could tell that would not work this time and it was in deep thought that he rode down the elevator. As he was collecting his Id from the security guard downstairs he paid no heed to the receptionist who was seemingly interested in him. As he walked out he heard her hail him and he turned around ready to rebuff her when he wondered if she might be a useful source of information about her boss. And her body was not bad to look at either he mused. Putting a smile on his face he turned his full charm on her."did i forget something?" "No as she put her hand on his arm while smiling flirtatiously up at him. Am on my lunch break and i wondered if you didn't mind some company." Al right this is a little cafe i discovered how about we have lunch over there as Thabo led her towards Tom Mboya street. He half listened to her chatter over lunch making the appropriate comments to seem like he was paying attention as soon as he could he begged to leave as he had an appointment and took her number promising to call her.
He didn't bother as he had found her talk of celebrities and their shenanigans and the latest show on tv dreadfully boring. For a week he delayed sending the pictures in the hope something better would show up but as nothing did he sent them to Tina's husband. He called him up later to confirm that he had received them and to let him know where he could drop the 20000kshs off. The first time he had been able to get 5000shs from Tina but decided to raise the amount for her husband. Tina's husband agreed to pay the amount but insisted on meeting face to face.He gave Thabo such a beating and warned him to stay away from his family if he knew what was best for him. Thabo was lucky to get out alive and was saved by the club owners when they realised he would kill him.
Thabo went away nursing his wounds as well as his hurt pride. Now not only was he broke but his plan was in shambles.All his time away all he could think about was a way to get back at them yet no tangible plan would come to mind no matter how much he tried. Then he found the slip of paper with Tina receptionist.
He went out and gambled that afternoon winning enough money to get him back to town and pay for lodging. He called her up and told her and asked her out for a drink maybe some dancing after work which she agreed to.Once they got there he showered her with attention and drinks and managed to go home with her.
He moved in with her where he pretended to go off to work daily even though he didn't have one and was almost to his limit wondering if this had all been a mistake when she mentioned that the first time she met him she had assumed he and Tina were related. Thabo who had not been paying much attention asked her why just to move along the conversation when she said something that made him realise he had struck pay dirt. She said that Tina's daughter bore an amazing resemblance to him.
That's when he had asked her for some money and left in a hurry claiming an previously forgotten appointment.He had all the details he needed all that was left was proof and he knew where to get it.
And it all went back to that doctor's appointment.Tina had discovered the truth as had everyone she had been trying to hide it from. But her husband did not discover the truth through Thabo but rather from an unfortunate series of events. The tests had revealed that his daughter was slightly anaemic and when that her blood group was incompatible with his when he tried to be a donor. That in and of itself would not have raised any eyebrows except he and his wife could not produce a child with that particular blood group which could only mean he was not their father. When a paternity test was done at his request for Tina refused to admit the truth the rest of the sordid truth came out.
Thabo coming to try and blackmail Tina with his paternity discovered that he was a few days too late and when Tina's husband saw him the pieces fell into place. "So it was you as he grabbed him" i should have noticed the resemblance but like a fool i didn't.You slept with my wife take her and your children as he proceeded to beat him up again."Stop it the doctor said with quiet authority if you feel he is the father let me do a paternity test and put your fears to rest."
And so he did and the results shocked all of them. Thabo was the father of Tina's daughter but not of her son. "what that is not right they are twins." Yes it is rare but it has been known to happen where a woman gets pregnant by two different men and the children are fraternal twins My guess would be she was ovulating and she had sex with two different men within the space of a couple of hours isn't that correct Mrs. Mutea?
With everyone staring at her Tina wished the ground would open up and swallow her up immediately.Not only was her secret exposed but it was done in such a public and humiliating way her husband would never forgive her and her best friend was about to discover the extent of her treachery. Doctor am still confused how is this even remotely possible? Tina's husband asked. Well when a woman is ovulating one egg is usually released instead two pairs of eggs appeared and since sperms can survive in the reproductive canal for up to 5 days it is very possible for a woman to have sex with different men and the sperm just hang in there waiting for an egg to be released.
Who is the other man demanded her husband tell me or i will kill you.Its jelo she whispered. "What did you say jelo your best friend's husband you really are nothing more than a cheap whore as he slapped her.
"Did i hear right you slept with my husband and even had a child with him Mo asked her as she pulled her to her feet by the hair. How could you" as it generated into a cat fight with mo pulling and hitting Tina. Tina didn't fight back knowing she deserved all this and more instead she cried for her herself, her babies, her marriage, their friendship which with every blow was being destroyed but mostly she cried tears of relief coz finally she didn't have to bear that heavy burden of her lies she could finally forgive herself even if no one else would.


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