Headstones Pt 8

It was a quarter to five in the evening and all the men were assembled in the board room waiting for the meeting to begin. Kimende had asked all his lieutenants to be there and none had disappointed him for they all knew what the consequences would be.
He sat oblivious to their presence studying some documents. Occasionally he would sip his tea at his elbow and continue reading. Finally he set them aside and looked up.
"You all know why were here so without wasting time lets get to it. where is the report i asked for? Samy signaled for the lights to be dimmed and turned on the overhead projector.They all watched the video in silence and when it was over turned expectantly to Samy to explain.
"It is the law of large numbers."Huh what is that?" it describes the expected stability of the mean of a random variable. "Speak clearly commanded kimende who was as confused as his men."Well this is a mathematical formula which states that if you take a random variable such as while a casino may lose money in a single spin of the roulette wheel, its earnings will tend towards a predictable percentage over a large number of spins. Any winning streak by a player will eventually be overcome by the parameters of the game. "So are you saying we should open a casino asked kimende who was still confused over the whole matter.
"No although that is not a bad idea. This was just an example in order for you to better understand how it works."Well you did a poor job of explaining coz am still lost. How does this tie into anything we discussed last? Samy continued it is important because it guarantees stable long term results for random events.
"That sounds all scholarly and all but instead of wasting our time how does this factor in with bulldog's idea of a cemetery. All i have heard so far are theories and you know me well to know that i value my time. You have three minutes to explain yourself. With that vainly hidden threat Samy moisturised his lips and prepared to give his best presentation he could in three minutes for his life depended on it literally.
Bulldog came up with an idea of burying the dead and charging for it. Simple yet it begs some questions how do you convince people to use your cemetery and licenses and so forth. Those were the main concerns yet it missed the most important question was not dealt with. Where do you get the bodies from? Sure we have a man inside the city mortuary yet for this plan to work we need clients who have the money and power to be profitable in the long run. At a look of impatience he hurried on. this is where the law of large numbers comes in. It is usually used in actuarial science. this is what insurance companies use when determining what kind of policies they should offer on the market. Using the law of large numbers and a few other theories they can determine how many people out of a given section will develop cancer, die of road accidents, fires and so on.
As a glimmer of light shone in Kimende's mind he smiled at Samy are you telling me that we can predict death? not perfectly or totally its not so iron clad but we can using this theory to a certain extent predict death and then we can be right there waiting.
"well done have you refined it he asked parting Samy on his back. Not perfectly it will take some time to do but am working on it. How long will it take? A few months nothing more. Alright bulldog work with Samy on coordinating things. Lebu i want you to get the necessary documentation that will allow us to carry out this plan with the minimum fuss. That land in Matuu purchase three acres and fence it off. As for nosy neighbors i liked your idea about the community project dig a well for them and the soil harvesting option we will need to have trucks leaving. what about having a custom made truck where the body can be carried and have it head back to town carrying soil or sand? Next i want you to put this all in motion in two weeks we cannot afford to spend a couple of months waiting. Samy keep working on your plan but in the meantime we will use our contacts to get bodies. Samy, Mende stay awhile the rest of you know your duties get to them.
Mende brought me a report and incidentally it was for a transport business. you two are to coordinate how to run both businesses but i need the transport to be legit. You know how difficult it is becoming to run an illegal business right now so make sure all the paper work is okay.As for the cemetery business Ngoma owns me a favor use him for whatever you need i will give him a call to expect you. I want you to use shell companies for everything else open a funeral home that is one way of covering our tracks. Samy marvelled at the bosses'smarts. Why hadn't he thought of it himself? With a funeral home it would be even easier to cover their tracks and no small thing to suggest to the richer clients of an exclusive final resting place for their loved ones. Then noone would raise an eyebrow at the sight of their vans with the sign of a funeral home on the side. Who was it who said.... the best place to hide something was in plain sight.
"Okay? the simple word jolted Samy from his musings. Yes it would be perfect. "Good then its settled. Mende you may leave. Turning to Samy once the door was shut in Mende's wake he said one last order of business and this one no one absolutely no one should find out about it i want you to open a casino for me.Caught unawares by the request,Samy simply nodded. What you said earlier got me thinking casinos make alot of money don't they? Yes and no need for me to tell you that it should be untraceable back to me. Do a feasibility study get back to me and i will tell you what documents to use. Samy loath to bring up the topic but knowing he must stood reluctantly after he was dismissed. "Is there something else on your mind Kimende asked. It about your request right now. Yes what about it? well Sir its just that we don't have the kind of money it would take to open a casino. It needs a large cash overflow. That's why i told you to do the feasibility study. We will deal with it when we get to it.Yes sir Samy said as he left the boardroom.
A week later Samy met kimende in a car park and gave him the feasibility for a casino. Since he knew the financial obligations,he came up with plans to buy an existing casino even though they were still short of funds for that as well.
Kimende read in silence for half an hour then he told him my idea is not to buy a casino but to build my own. But its okay we can start small it will lend credibility to me. fine set it into motion again no one should find out.Sir there is still the issue of funds. I told you that was not an issue. Handing some documents over to him Samy was suprised to see that it was a set of identification papers. "Whose are this? Mine replied Kimende. But it says here this belong to ...... i know that is my new identity in case i need to start all over. Perusing them Samy found a bank statement and when he looked at the balance in the account he almost keeled over dead. Is it real he asked after he had recovered his breath sufficiently to talk. smiling at him Kimende simply nodded. But this would be enough to open four of the most luxurious casinos in the world. This is my nest egg for my family and i. suddenly he felt ridiculous he had given the cheapest estimates when kimende had so much money. Get to it right away and register the casino under that name.


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