Headstones pt 9

Jelo got home at around seven in the evening. He liked to be early enough to have dinner with Mo and the kids daily. He would get there as the children were still doing their homework and often would help out his son and daughter as they waited for dinner to be served.
A lot could be said about Mo and was said the neighbors weren't the most friendly but what could not be denied was the fact that she was a great mother and a good wife. It was all his fault that their marriage was failing had been for a long time. They put up a front for the children and the neighbors but it had not been working for a long time now.
Jelo was a hard working man an accountant with a big firm and money was not one of the issues affecting their marriage. He and Mo met at the university and struck up an instant rapport. She was beautiful,smart and better yet he had fun with her like one of the boys. Soon they were spending quite a bit of time together outside the lecture halls. Mo was studying to be a teacher and was in her third year while he was finishing up his fourth year. He was struggling with some issues and spending time with Mo made him forget his problem if only for a while.
His parents loved Mo from the first moment they met though honestly his mum was just happy to see her son with a potential bride for she had almost given up on that part of her son's life.
One day they went out to an impromptu party and they both got really drunk. So drunk that the next morning,when Jelo woke up to find Mo naked in bed beside him he had no recollection of what if anything happened. Three weeks later Mo dropped the bombshell she was late so she had gone to the hospital where they did a pregnancy test and the results were positive.
Before they both had a chance to think about it or even decide one way or another both sets of parents were arranging a wedding. And in a record two months they were married. Life continued on its course their son was born seven months later. Mo took a few months away from university then once Mathew was weaned went back and completed her degree. Jelo found a great job was things were great only he was carrying a big secret inside which if it ever came out would destroy everything he cared about. Their marriage seemed to be fine except jelo was not interested in sex. Mo tried everything from sexy lingerie,games and very little seemed to work. They had sex once a week but Mo always felt that a part of him was withheld from her. There was no intimacy between them and it always left her feeling cheapened as if he was simply fulfilling an obligation not out of desire. Soon even that fell away out of mutual consent. They were good friends and that helped but only for a while. None had signed up to be married to a friend no matter how good and soon the cracks started to surface.
Mo was a young,sexy,desirable woman and she wanted to feel that way. So after pestering Jelo again they started trying to revive their love life. Jelo desperately tried to make it work but unfortunately it was not to be. And So he decided to be candid with Mo.
"This is not working" he admitted after Mo corned him."Tell me the truth do you want a divorce? No but i can't give you what you want so we can have an arrangement."What!! screamed Mo when she had the plan. Understand i can't give you what you are after and deserve but that is no reason to end our marriage this gives us both the chance to get what we want. "Alright so its okay as long as we are safe is that it? i take it the same rules apply to you. Naturally well....
And so they continued along with each getting their own way. Jelo was happy and so was Mo. Best part of it was he didn't have to let her in on his secret.
Ten years passed on with both busy in their careers and raising Mathew. It was a lovely neighborhood and even though the neighbors didn't care much for Mo it was a convenient not to mention great place to raise a family and they both agreed to stick it out.
Everything was going well until that fateful day when jelo came home unexpectedly to find Chenko in the guest bedroom. This brought things closer than he could have liked or anticipated. For far too long he had worked hard to hide his secret and now it was in danger of being revealed. Then the shock and surprise when a month later Mo announced that she was pregnant. "Who is the father for although they shared a bedroom that was all they did. You violated our agreement you were to protect yourself and i was to do the same." "Am not sure" Jelo almost chocked on his tea. I have never cared about the details but exactly how many partners have you had in the last one month. "Two and one of them was you. or don't you remember making love to me after the office party two weeks ago. Jelo slumped down into his chair for he did remember even the reason for the love making. It was the day he found Chenko in his house.After arguing chenko left and he was so angry at the thought no more like jealous of the idea of Chenko with his wife that when they came back from the annual office party he had ravished his wife as never before. Mo had been surprised at the passion in jelo but had responded in kind. Jelo had kept the picture of his revenge against Chenko through it all and he had been surprisingly satisfied.
The DNA test could only be done once the baby was born so they waited with mixed emotions for Mo's due date. Mo on the other hand had never wanted to know about Jelo's mistress. She assumed there was one considering he was never interested in her. Over the years she had often wondered about his insistence that they stay together even though they were more like friends than a marriage couple. As her due date drew nearer, she saw signs that something was going on. Maybe he was finally going to divorce her she thought in shock. She loved her husband even with their problems and she couldn't imagine living apart from him. So Mo hired a private investigator to follow her husband and discover who his mistress was. As it was a small town she found one from out of town to ensure that there was no gossip.
When he reported that he could find no sign of a mistress anywhere he wasn't telling her something she did not already know. Before she had decided to hire the detective, she had done a bit of snooping herself and she could find no sign. What are we missing she asked herself. looking at the photographs again the detective pointed out that the only thing he saw was that Jelo was very friendly with Chenko. "What did you just say? she asked. "They spend quite a bit of time together and in a few instances i have seen them arguing heatedly. "Follow them let me know what you find." At the back of her mind a cold certainty was spreading.
When the call came she had been expecting it all she needed to do was confirm it. Leaving the baby she went to the motel room and bribed the attendant. going up to the rooms she opened the door freezing in shock at the sight before her.With a shierk she collapsed.


  1. Damn! This is good. This is eactly how i write but with a little bit more suspense and...........

  2. me too!! i have a running serialisation too :)
    would love to read the whole episode


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