In all Things

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”- Philippians 2:3-4
This is the verse for the day yet it is increasingly hard for me to do this today of all days. All sorts of emotions are churning inside me filling my heart to overflowing. I think of my prayer this morning and i bow my head in shame for its as if me capital ME is the subject matter.
"Lord i want this i want that and why didn't you do that for me i whine over and over forgetting his goodness and blessings.
Paul talks about learning to be content whatever was happening at any given time.Easy for him to say right no wrong this is coming from a man who was beaten four times and not the kind of beating we get from our folks with a wooden spoon. No were talking flogging by Roman soldiers with whips 39 lashes across his back. The law prescribed 40 lashes only but in order not to make a mistake and give more the rabbinical pharisees decided to make the lashes 39. Now think about it going through that five times yeah his back was not a pretty sight i tell you. If that was all he had to endure its bad enough but add to that hunger,imprisonment,three shipwrecks and you have a reason to murmur and complain for which no one would blame him.
Yet instead he chooses to learn the truth of contentment which must have been harder than all the lashes,humiliations perpetrated on him. It humbles and stills my tongue when i find myself about to start complaining. and the truth becomes increasingly clear i complain when i take my eyes off the Lord and set my eyes around then i have a problem coz then my clothes which were fine before even stylish, now are tardy and i want a new wardrobe. The matatu which got me to where i needed to go is suddenly not enough i need a car because my friends are now driving.
But what does that have to do with the verse of the day or life anyway? everything because happiness is not getting everything you want but wanting everything you get. Mmmh deep thought which needs to be worked out practically and that's where the verse checks in.lets break it down a bit. Ask yourself what motivates you is it vain ambition or greed?
Ambition in and of itself is not wrong notice the word vain before it that's the problem in that simple four letter word.
Then ask yourself do you think highly of yourself beyond others? Pause think about that one.
Finally are you looking out for number one and you will do anything hurt anyone to further your own interests? No man is an island.It would do as well to remember that.


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